Star Wars: The Force Awakens on December 18, 2015

Star Wars: The Force Awakens on December 18, 2015

Saturday, December 12, 2015

My Top 6 Anticipations for THE FORCE AWAKENS

Here are the top 6 things I'm excited about with the new upcoming film, THE FORCE AWAKENS (comes out December 18th; I'll be seeing it on the 19th)!

1. Han Solo, Leia, Chewbacca, and Luke back on the big screen! I'm very excited to see the old gang get back together. I just watched THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK last night as part of a STAR WARS marathon, and I loved watching them. I'm even more excited to see them escape from Jabba the Hutt tonight in RETURN OF THE JEDI.

It'll be great to see what they have been up to the last 30 years and what their roles will be in THE FORCE AWAKENS. I already love it when Han Solo tells Finn and Rey (new characters) in the official trailer that the Jedi and the Sith which are legends to them are all true. All of the stories are true and really happened. That truly gives me goosebumps every time.

2. Most specifically Luke! What has he been up to? He has been shrowded in mystery. Will really have no idea what his situation is and have only seen him once in the trailers. So excited to see where my top favorite STAR WARS character is in life and what role he has in this new trilogy. Has he tried to train some Jedi? So many questions go through my mind about him.

3. Who are Finn, Rey, Poe Dameron, and Kylo Ren? Like really, who are they? What are their roles? What are their histories? I'm so excited to learn about them. Watching them in the trailers gets me really excited to see what they contribute to the STAR WARS universe.

4. I'm excited for the special effects! Back in the day, the original trilogy's effects were state-of-the-art best there was back then. I thought the effects in the prequels were pretty good, but there was too much computer-generated animation (CGI). I mean, it is necessary to have some CGI, but REVENGE OF THE SITH had way too much. From what I've seen in the THE FORCE AWAKENS trailers and behind-the-scenes footage, looks like the original trilogy's special effects are making a comeback. Plus the CGI used in the trailers looks amazing compared to the prequels. So this should be awesome to see come next Saturday (for me).

5. The music. John Williams is a master of film scores. Just watch previous STAR WARS films, INDIANA JONES films, and E.T. for example, and you will agree. I don't need to even watch the movies. I can listen to his music by itself and never get bored. I'm very excited to see what new scores he has planned for THE FORCE AWAKENS, and I'm especially excited to hear the original STAR WARS themes come back like for example, Leia's.

6. Lastly, I'm excited for the plot. Lucasfilm and Disney have shown us a lot of footage without sharing that much about the plot. They have been teasing us like crazy, and I'm ready to see how it comes together. What adventures will the characters, old and new, all have? What new planets will we see? What new technologies will be brought into the universe? What old technologies will we see? I'm so excited to give meat and details to all of the teasing clips and images they have shared with us.

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